Covid-19 Lockdown Special Offer!

Due to the current international Covid-19 virus crisis, most circus students, performers and enthusiasts have been forced to stay at home, trying to keep yourselves safe by social distancing.  I hope that you are all safe from the virus and that this phase will soon pass.


No doubt, you are also frustrated that you can’t get to your usual training space to keep working on your apparatus and training your skills.  I feel for you and would like to offer you a solution for the ‘lack-of-training’ boredom.


Have you been struggling with a movement in training? Do you have video of it? If you do, send it to me and I’ll send you my ‘Fix a Trick’ analysis and advice. This includes:


A Biomechancial analysis of the problem.

Structured feedback to improve the skill.

Advice on progressions to improve technical success.

Advice on specific conditioning / flexibility for this skill.

Guidance on error detection and future self-analysis.


This special offer is FREE as my contribution to the continuity of circus skills development and support for the circus community during this current international health crisis.


By analysing your work now, understanding the most efficient pathways, working on your strength and flexibility, and visualizing your success, you will have a safe pathway to perfect the movement when you get back on your gear.

By |2021-11-30T12:43:27+10:00March 27th, 2020|Circus Coaching|Comments Off on Covid-19 Lockdown Special Offer!

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